The Old Bakery




15th December 2020

The project has continued to move forward in a very positive way. The lime finishing has been applied to walls where needed and as expected, great care has been taken by the Point team. The team have worked very hard on this final run up to Christmas. We are expecting the works to be complete in Q1.

22nd October 2020

The Point team have continued to make great progress. SADC released the conditions that were applied to be released- which paved the way for the craftsmen and women to apply themselves within the building. The project includes traditional methods, including lime flooring and wattle and daub. Green oak has been used where needed - and great care has been applied throughout.

This last month has seen a very visible move forward in the restoration project which has been operating in a covid-safe way.

14th July 2020

The Old Bakery has appointed Point Builders, a local firm that specialises in the restoration of historic buildings. See here for more on Point.

Archaeological Solutions are evaluating that there are no historic artefacts which will open the way for Point to put down a new limecrete floor, which will once again allow the building to start breathing. See here for more on Archeological Solutions.

We are working to discharge the final conditions on the Listed Building Consent and Point hope to start work on the limecrete floor shorty.

7th April 2020

Purple Venues Ltd are waiting for confirmation from SADC that all pre-commencement conditions have been complied with to allow the appointment of specialist conservation contractors next week; with work on site to commence ASAP subject of course to all relevant government guidelines relating to the Covid-19 pandemic.

26th February 2020

Purple Venues Limited are working with specialist conservation advisors to discharge the Listed Building Conditions and are interviewing contractors with a background in listed building restoration.

22nd January 2020

Conditional Listed Building consent has been granted for - restoration, repair and thermal improvement works to The Old Bakery, 3 Station Road, Wheathampstead, Hertfordshire


Conditional Listed Building Consent has been granted by St Albans District Council and we are consulting with historical building experts and craftsmen to help on this important undertaking.

The historic integrity of the building is very important to us and we welcome a collaborative approach with the local community and SADC.  Purple Venues Ltd (PVL) are committed to a restoration project completed to the highest standards. 

PVL will post regular updates to this website to keep the local community and anyone interested in historical buildings and restoration projects updated.


PVL will be working with:

* SADC- local planning authority 

* Archeological Solutions Ltd- archeological and conservation experts

(Jointly briefed by SADC and Arch Building Consultancy)

* Arch Building Consultancy- conservation surveyors and project managers. 

* The Wheathampstead and District Preservation Society.

* The Wheathampstead History Society. 

* Wheathampstead Parish Council.

Future use

PVL will be consulting with the community on the future use of the building and the recent orchard purchase next to the river; which we understand that several local groups and other local occupiers also tried to purchase.  The land was bought as a protective measure to mitigate any risk of illegal use or occupation on this adjacent site.

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